Wee Apostles and Disciples
Educational Vestments and Habits to Teach Children to Play and Pray about Vocations
About Wee Apostles Ministry
Wee Apostles began when I was a young mother of six children. I was homeschooling at the time, allowing us to get to daily Mass. My youngest son, Paul, at two years old, loved imitating the priest and playing Mass, as many young boys do! One year for Christmas, when he was four years old, I sewed a green chasuble vestment and white alb for him to use when he played his pretend Mass. My husband made a wooden cross for him to use in his little processions. By six years old Paul was allowed to start serving as an altar boy at our church. Now, many years later, Paul's nephew, my youngest grandson, is playing in the same manner at two years old. He loves his wee vestments, crucifix and processions.
I credit Paul in my development of Wee Apostles long ago. I pray God's holy will be done, and that children, youth and young men and women's hearts be touched through prayers for vocations.
For more information or ideas on getting a traveling vocations prayer ministry started at your parish please see the links page for some wonderful resources.
My home parish, St. Jerome Catholic Church, Oconomowoc, WI, has a crucifix and prayer cards that travel from home to home, week by week, through a simple sign-up sheet. Each week someone is praying for vocations from this parish. With the traveling crucifix, there could be the option to have Wee Apostle vestments as part of the weekly prayer experience for those homes with children or grandchildren.