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Wee Apostles and Disciples
Educational Vestments and Habits to Teach Children to Play and Pray about Vocations

Wee Apostles with Pastor Fr. John Gibson,
St. Jerome Parish, Oconomowoc

Mother of Priests,
pray for us

These Wee Apostle vestments are a part of the vocations prayer program at St. Jerome Parish, Oconomowoc. The parish has an active traveling vocations prayer program where families pray for vocations every week in their homes with the aid of the crucifix and these vestments for children.

Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, blesses
Wee Apostle vestments and nun's habit
Child-Size Altar Linens
(The altar cloth is longer than shown in photo)
Carmelite nun's habit

Wee Apostles in their wee vestments
Wee Apostles Table at the
Women of Christ Conference 2022, Milwaukee

Wee Apostle Chasuble

Above: Fr. Luke Strand, Rector of St. Francis de Sales Seminary, Milwaukee, with a Wee Apostle.
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